In the corporate world where all professionals from messenger can be found, things should work faultlessly, there is always a risk of some malfunction which could harm the operations of the whole company significantly. This risk is usually associated with the Internet connection issue. When you have been doing some presentation or writing an explanatory letter to your colleague with all of the details of the matter and then due to the poor connection these end up being not saved, it must be not only upsetting but rather demotivating for you to put any further effort.
However, there is definitely a good solution when it comes to corporate communications and this is a lan messenger tool. To begin with, LAN means local area network which in other words is a number of connected PCs within one area of office, school, university, etc. The lan messenger shall then be understood as a tool enabling instant messaging among computers of the same LAN. However, what makes the biggest difference here is that it does not really depend on the quality of Internet connection.
Features Of Office Messengers Which Make Them Stand Out
When it comes to comparisons within the usual online chats people use within a company to the network messaging, it is important to keep in mind what special does the latter have to offer. And these specialties include:
- prompt chatting: when Internet connection is low or network or overloaded, you may still enjoy an opportunity to talk to your colleagues via a lan chat. Moreover, such an office chat does not require any additional server and works as a peer-to-peer application;
- data security: safety of the data transmitted online remains the hot-button issue for the corporations and entities all over the world. If you do not want your business to be a prey of hackers, you must ensure that all of the communication within the company is encrypted and secured. The easiest way to do so would be through the windows messenger;
variety of functions: depending on the type of a business messenger you would like to choose, you will then have an opportunity to enjoy its different functions. These usually include private and group chats, message board, file transfers, message filtrations, whiteboards, graphical smileys and message logging.
To wrap things up, even in our highly technological and digitalized world, there are still frequent system malfunctions which could cost business huge amounts of money. Therefore, in order for internal communications within one’s company not to be subject to the possible dangers, it is necessary to introduce a more secure messaging tool like the LAN one.